STEM in Primary

STEM in Primary
A blog for those interested in primary school STEM education

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Let's Build a Makerspace!

Stuff this week - Let's Build a Makerspace!

Some schools have embarked on structured coding or robotics or more general STEM programs. Others however have created an open environment for kids to create in. The Makerspace. Born out of a DIY tech sub-culture makerspaces can offer the freedom for children to create whatever they can imagine. The Australian Government believes in the skills that such a space can develop and offers funding for schools to create them.
As with everything I think planning is essential. So if you are thinking that this might be something great for your school you can have a look at "What Should I buy for my New Makerspace?". Just like the best STEM activities open ended exploration and creation should be the end goal. This will cultivate the maker mindset where experimentation, design, creation and failure are the tools of the trade. Children are able to think big to solve the problems that they see around them making this learning relevant.
Schools can start small with tech such as the $25 Micro:Bit which can be used to create wearable creations which switch on lights or display scrolling messages. As they learn kids can progress to building their own robot for less that $20 in parts! Of course 3D printers (and laser cutters at some schools) add another dimension to the creative options.
At the end of the day what is required is a will to build a space for children to create in and then the development of a vision for how this can be achieved. The kids will do the rest! As the article How Should We Measure the Impact of Makerspaces? neatly summarises what kids will get out of these spaces is a new way of thinking and those all important 21st Century Skills.
If you are thinking kids get all the cool stuff these days well don't fret as there are adult versions of Makerspaces all over Australia just like Hackerspace Brisbane.

Stuff in the news

Schools Must Get The Basics Right Before Splashing Out On Technology - The question now isn’t whether technology has a place in schools, but which devices would work best: laptops, tablets, smartphones or something else entirely? An article from The Tech Advocate 7 June 2017
Coding: the skill you need to learn - No longer one of the dark arts of the information revolution, coding is now a mainstream workplace skill that UK business leaders need to embrace – and quickly. An article from Director - Inspiring Business website 31 May 2017
Robotics leader named a Superstar of STEM - Dr Sue Keay will be a mentor and role model for young women in STEM across Australia. An article from QUT News 7 July 2017
Southern councils band behind university’s STEM project - STEM is not just an education project and that is why Infrastructure Australia have put it on their priority list. An article from The Mercury 27 July 2017

Stuff to buy

Latest on Kickstarter:
*At this point in time I earn no money from any product I list and I am not affiliated with any other company.

Stuff in education

Aussie students vying for gold in maths and science Olympiads - The country's former chief scientist Ian Chubb said the Olympiads were "essential in capturing high-achieving students' interest in science and mathematics at a critical stage". An article from ABC News 22 July 2017.
112 students, one classroom - Inaburra school in Sydney's south has placed all year 5 and 6 students into an open-plan room with five teachers. An article from the Sydney Morning Herald 20 May 2017

Stuff to do Australia Wide

Opportunities and Obstacles for STEM Education - Free public lecture at the University of Melbourne 15 August 2017
Program Computers to Talk - Coding with Speech Synthesis for Kids - Read this blog post from Tech Age Kids to see how you can get your kids into experimenting with speech synthesis. Its easier that it sounds!
Australian STEM Video Game Challenge - For grades 5+.The Australian STEM Video Game Challenge will ask participants to develop games in response to a central theme or idea. Registration open 1 May and submissions close 25 August.
Young ICT Explorers -  A non-profit competition, which has been created by SAP to encourage school students to create their best Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related projects. Registrations are OPEN. See the YouTube video here!
CSIRO CREST Program - CREativity in Science and Technology. Engage your students with open-ended science investigations and technology projects through the CREST program.
National Science Week - Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology and thousands of individuals – from students, to scientists to chefs and musicians – get involved, taking part in more than 1000 science events across the nation. 12 - 20 August 2017
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Young Engineers Australia - Provides an engaging, hands-on learning platform using LEGO® and K’nex® assembly kits
CoderDojo - A volunteer run programming club
Code Club Australia - A network of coding clubs for kids aged 9 to 11.

Stuff to do in Brisbane

EKKA Scratch Coding and 3D Modelling Challenge - Submit entries online for display at the Ekka from 17 August 2017
SLQ Digital Futures - Each year the State Library of Queensland presents a theme of interest to the Queensland community. Throughout 2017, they invite you to join in exploring Digital Futures.
Robotronica 2017 - Robotronica is a groundbreaking one-day event showcasing the latest developments in robotics and interactive design. QUT's The Cube 20 August 2017 
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STEM in a Box has ongoing coding, robotics and 3D printing activities
Brisbane Library Service has purchased the very flash NAO Robot and is showing it off in various libraries.
The Cube at QUT has a number of changing programs. 
Brisbane Planetarium - Features entertaining and informative shows for adults and children
STEAMPUNX - Not to be confused with the organisation above! Offers in-school and out of school workshop programs
Flying Fox Studios - A studio offering programs in the arts, music and construction areas from babies to teenagers in Brisbane
It's Rocket Science School Incursions - Educational and fully interactive project based rocket science incursions for primary and secondary schools in a safe and empowering learning environment.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

But what about the teachers?

Stuff this week - But what about the teachers?

In the area of STEM there is much being done for the kids of today and many volunteer organisations and paid enterprises are stepping in to provide instruction and mentoring however what about those that actually teach kids for a living?
Teacher training is a global issue and it is being addressed in different ways. There are organisations springing up to help. For example, in the USA 100Kin10 is a not for profit whose goal is to train 100000 STEM teachers by 2021. 
In the UK there is and Barefoot Computing which provide free and paid for training and resources for teachers.
Australia is catching up. The University of Adelaide has three MOOCs which are free and cover all aspects of the Digital Technologies curriculum. The Australian Government's Digital Technologies Hub provides support for the Digital Technologies subject with lesson plans, case studies, advice for school leaders, activities for students and for families. Then there are the universities which provide short courses for a small fee and businesses which provide short courses for a more substantial fee.There are also free Open University courses. Finally there are many seminars and conferences all around Australiadiscussing STEM and related topics.
The issue of course is when do teachers have the time? Some will find a couple of hours per week to do the short courses which is fantastic but more meaningful courses will require school assistance. To that end I believe schools should be doing SMART planning to provide teachers the opportunity to upskill themselves. Yes this requires funding to pay for relief teachers during their absence but this needs to be seen as the cost for providing a world class education and should be prioritised. Singapore is at the far end of the spectrum to be sure but as a comparison they provide their teachers with 100 hours of professional development every year. Queensland teachers are only required to do 20 hours. My hope is the upcoming Gonski funding changes allow more teacher training to be delivered.

Stuff in the news

3 ways to get kids interested in coding - A blog post from the Littlebits website 13 June 2017.
Why learn to code? - An article on 16 June 2017 
NSW school girls spend the holidays as 'astronauts in training' - 90 students from 14 NSW girls' schools will spend the school holidays as astronauts in training at the Houston Association for Space and Science Education Junior Space School in Texas. An article from the Sydney Morning Herald 26 June 2017.
PBS Show Will Teach Preschoolers How To Think Like Computers - Some believe educators should focus on building soft skills like empathy and interpersonal communication so humans and robots can complement one another. However, other education thought leaders are ready to beat computers at their own game by teaching people to think like intelligent machines. An article from Edsurge 3 July 2017

Stuff to buy

LEGO Chain Reactions Craft Kit - With the stuff in this kit and a pile of your own ordinary LEGO bricks, you can build ten awesome machines that can be combined to make dozens of different chain reactions.
*At this point in time I earn no money from any product I list and I am not affiliated with any other company.

Stuff in education

Sphero’s in the Classroom - A blog post from Teaching in the Primary Years 20 August 2016
STEM learning – international best practice - Queensland science teacher Sarah Chapman is passionate about engaging youngsters in STEM education and has travelled the world gathering evidence of international best practice. An article from Teacher Magazine 8 June 2017.
Australia looks to China for maths, science lessons - Frustrated by stagnating maths and STEM standards, Australian education and policy experts are travelling to China for lessons on how to boost maths and science in local classrooms. An article from The Australian 11 July 2017.

Stuff to do Australia Wide

Opportunities and Obstacles for STEM Education - Free public lecture at the University of Melbourne 15 August 2017
Program Computers to Talk - Coding with Speech Synthesis for Kids - Read this blog post from Tech Age Kids to see how you can get your kids into experimenting with speech synthesis. Its easier that it sounds!
Australian STEM Video Game Challenge - For grades 5+.The Australian STEM Video Game Challenge will ask participants to develop games in response to a central theme or idea. Registration open 1 May and submissions close 25 August.
Young ICT Explorers -  A non-profit competition, which has been created by SAP to encourage school students to create their best Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related projects. Registrations are OPEN. See the YouTube video here!
CSIRO CREST Program - CREativity in Science and Technology. Engage your students with open-ended science investigations and technology projects through the CREST program.
National Science Week - Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology and thousands of individuals – from students, to scientists to chefs and musicians – get involved, taking part in more than 1000 science events across the nation. 12 - 20 August 2017
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Young Engineers Australia - Provides an engaging, hands-on learning platform using LEGO® and K’nex® assembly kits
CoderDojo - A volunteer run programming club
Code Club Australia - A network of coding clubs for kids aged 9 to 11.

Stuff to do in Brisbane

SLQ Digital Futures - Each year the State Library of Queensland presents a theme of interest to the Queensland community. Throughout 2017, they invite you to join in exploring Digital Futures.
Robotronica 2017 - Robotronica is a groundbreaking one-day event showcasing the latest developments in robotics and interactive design. QUT's The Cube 20 August 2017 
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Brisbane Library Service has purchased the very flash NAO Robot and is showing it off in various libraries.
The Cube at QUT has a number of changing programs. 
Brisbane Planetarium - Features entertaining and informative shows for adults and children
STEAMPUNX - Not to be confused with the organisation above! Offers in-school and out of school workshop programs
Flying Fox Studios - A studio offering programs in the arts, music and construction areas from babies to teenagers in Brisbane
It's Rocket Science School Incursions - Educational and fully interactive project based rocket science incursions for primary and secondary schools in a safe and empowering learning environment.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Coding in Schools the Momentum Continues!

Stuff this week - Coding in Schools the Momentum Continues!

It has been a big few weeks in the news for coding in schools. Apple CEO Tim Cook has been urging Trump to mandate coding in schools and the NZ government has announced that it will add coding into its curriculum.
Adding coding to the curriculum is not about encouraging all kids to become software engineers.
Learning to code has numerous other benefits. Firstly, it enables students to gain a solid understanding of the technology that surrounds them in their lives. More importantly as technology permeates more and more industries and jobs there will be a need to be able to use computers to solve problems in a variety of ways. In order to do this people will need to have the skill of computational thinking. It is this skill that it is the ultimate goal of the curriculum.
Click on this link to see a video by one of the architects of the digital technologies subject talking about the opportunity that children now have. There are three videos on this page watch Video 2: Why Digital Technologies. The end goal of the technologies subjects which are studied until year 8 is shown in the picture at the bottom.
So when your kids are learning coding look to see that they are actually developing the computational thinking skill. This means they should be breaking down problems into smaller manageable chunks. They should be looking for patterns they can exploit and they should be solving the problem in a step by step manner. When your kids start writing their own programs from nothing then you know they are getting it! If they are just working through exercises in an app or on a website then they are still learning.
The governments of the world (like Australia) see it as crucial for their economies that kids develop computational thinking skills. The challenge for schools is to provide training for their teachers that not just teaches them how to write a program in Scratch but gives them the understanding of the underlying concepts of computational thinking. It is necessary that they understand that this is the end goal of the curriculum.

Stuff in the news

UQ NEWS Dow chairman and CEO to speak at Brisbane event - Mr Andrew Liveris will lead a broad-ranging conversation including the importance of STEM education to build a knowledge-based economy.
Mars rover replicas created by high school students in move to foster STEM interest - It is not every day that robots take over a high school library but it is becoming more commonplace in one part of New South Wales. An article from ABC NEWS 30 June 2017.
The critical importance of STEAM education - A term that is becoming more and more popular to the ears of teachers and students alike and, right now in the educational sectors, it seems to be all anyone is talking about. An article from PC World 27 June 2017.
Let’s Talk Science reaches 5 million with STEM - A Canadian organisation is looking to develop an action plan and a national vision for STEM education. 29 June 2017.

Stuff to buy

Makey Makey Evil Genius Book - Got a MakeyMakey or thinking of buying one but don't know what to do with it? This book might be your answer!
Cubetto Robot - Like the idea of programming a robot but want less screen time for the kids? The Montessori approved Cubetto robot might be your answer! 
*At this point in time I earn no money from any product I list and I am not affiliated with any other company.

Stuff in education

Nikki Kaye reveals digital shakeup for school curriculum - New Zealand has announced changes to its curriculum to require coding to be taught in schools from next year. An article from 28 June 2017.
An Australian university just found a way to teach a year's worth of maths in 3 weeks - Samsung and the University of Canberra's STEM Education Research Centre have just announced research findings they say proves a technology-enabled approach to teaching significantly improves competency in STEM among primary and secondary school students. An article from Business Insider 22 June 2017. (A related article Technology Is The Key To Great STEM Teaching )

Stuff to do Australia Wide

Program Computers to Talk - Coding with Speech Synthesis for Kids - Read this blog post from Tech Age Kids to see how you can get your kids into experimenting with speech synthesis. Its easier that it sounds!
Australian STEM Video Game Challenge - For grades 5+.The Australian STEM Video Game Challenge will ask participants to develop games in response to a central theme or idea. Registration open 1 May and submissions close 25 August.
Young ICT Explorers -  A non-profit competition, which has been created by SAP to encourage school students to create their best Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related projects. Registrations are OPEN. See the YouTube video here!
CSIRO CREST Program - CREativity in Science and Technology. Engage your students with open-ended science investigations and technology projects through the CREST program.
National Science Week - Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology and thousands of individuals – from students, to scientists to chefs and musicians – get involved, taking part in more than 1000 science events across the nation. 12 - 20 August 2017
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Young Engineers Australia - Provides an engaging, hands-on learning platform using LEGO® and K’nex® assembly kits
CoderDojo - A volunteer run programming club
Code Club Australia - A network of coding clubs for kids aged 9 to 11.

Stuff to do in Brisbane

SLQ Digital Futures - Each year the State Library of Queensland presents a theme of interest to the Queensland community. Throughout 2017, they invite you to join in exploring Digital Futures.
Robotronica 2017 - Robotronica is a groundbreaking one-day event showcasing the latest developments in robotics and interactive design. QUT's The Cube 20 August 2017 
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Brisbane Library Service has purchased the very flash NAO Robot and is showing it off in various libraries.
The Cube at QUT has a number of changing programs. 
Brisbane Planetarium - Features entertaining and informative shows for adults and children
STEAMPUNX - Not to be confused with the organisation above! Offers in-school and out of school workshop programs
Flying Fox Studios - A studio offering programs in the arts, music and construction areas from babies to teenagers in Brisbane
It's Rocket Science School Incursions - Educational and fully interactive project based rocket science incursions for primary and secondary schools in a safe and empowering learning environment.